Selected Sonnets and Other Lyrics by Gerard Manley Hopkins

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God’s Grandeur
The Starlight Night
‘As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame’
The Windhover
Pied Beauty †
Hurrahing in Harvest
The May Magnificat *
Binsey Poplars *
Felix Randall
Spring and Fall *
‘I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day’
‘No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief’
(Carrion Comfort)
‘Patience, hard thing! the hard thing but to pray’
‘My own heart let me have more pity on’
Harry Ploughman ‡
Tom’s Garland **
That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection ††
‘Thou art indeed just, Lord, if I contend’

All are sonnets except those poems marked *
†Curtal sonnet
‡Sonnet extended with ‘burden lines’
**‘Tailed’ or caudate sonnet
††‘Tailed’ sonnet extended with an extra coda

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